They reached a turning point in the case law of tactile paving.
The Campaign
Mohammed is visually impaired, and so relies on senses other than sight, particularly the sense of touch, to navigate the world safely.
Every day, Mohammed relies on tactile features such as bumpons, which make the ground more textured, to tell him when he is approaching a road crossing, an area where extra caution is needed. It is vital that the environment gives people with visual impairments, such as Mohammed, as much tactile information as possible.
So, when Newham council decided that it wanted to change and reduce the tactile paving in the borough, which is crucial for people with sight loss, Mohammed decided he wasn’t going to let this happen.
The Change
It was a long hard battle, but with the support of the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), they reached a turning point in the case law on tactile paving. The Court finally ruled in their favour confirming that local councils do not have a right to deviate from the national guidelines on tactile paving.
The Future
Making sure our streets are accessible for everyone remains so important and RNIB continues to campaign on inclusive streets, especially with our ever-changing world.
Mohammed has continued campaigning to make the streets accessible through a range of RNIB campaigns on inclusive journeys.