We take a big picture view of campaigning and social change. We recognise that campaigners are trying to change lots of different things – from helping someone access their rights to changing policy or attitudes at a national scale.
We also recognise that there are lots of ways to campaign from awareness raising and community organising, to movement building and political lobbying.
We know that social change typically happens when lots of people use different tactics across this broad ‘eco system’ of change.
Our job is to help campaigners and changemakers of all kinds – whether working on their own or in big organisations – understand more about how social change happens and how to design their campaigns to have the best chance of success.
At the same time, we want to build a better understanding of what social purpose campaigning is, and why it matters. And build a sense of community and solidarity among those pushing for change.
The truth is, we are all campaigners – when we need to be. Whether making sure a child gets the support they need at school or trying to shift global climate policy, this is all campaigning. And SMK is here for all of you.
Who was Sheila McKechnie?
Sheila McKechnie described herself as a ‘fully paid up member of the awkward squad’. This mind-set, combined with formidable research and a commitment to constructing watertight argument, meant that her campaigning powers were legendary. SMK was created to honour Sheila after she died of cancer in January 2004 at the age of 55. Her dedication, tenacity and spirit live on in the work we do.
Get to know us
Who we are
We are a small, dedicated team working alongside an active board of Trustees.
What we stand for
We help you make the change you want to see happen.
The difference we make
We sit at the centre of a network of campaigners that ranges from grassroots organisations and trade unions.
How we are funded
We are grateful for the support we receive from a variety of funders.
SMK’s commitment to solidarity and equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI)
SMK is here for people trying to make lasting social change. Many of the change-makers we work with are trying to shift interconnected systems of inequality, which we know are replicated in organisations, like ours, that are working to change them.