The difference we make

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At any one time, we support over 150 organisations and nearly a thousand people each year come through our training programmes. Many, many more access our reports and tools on-line.

We sit at the centre of a network of campaigners that ranges from grassroots organisations like London Gypsies and Travellers to big charities like the Trussell Trust to purpose businesses including Ben & Jerry’s and trade unions like Unison.  

Here are just some of those we are working with

Royal College of Nursing
Local Trust
Paul Hamlyn Foundation
London Youth
Royal College of Nursing
Local Trust
Paul Hamlyn Foundation
London Youth
Royal College of Nursing
Paul Hamlyn Foundation

What have changemakers said about our support?

I have ADHD and I hate long workshops. I usually come away feeling underrepresented, frustrated, drained and confused.  This one was energetic, engaging, interesting, fast-paced, yet conscious.  Thanks everyone. Looking forward to booking onto future workshop. “

Introduction to campaigning and social change workshop participant, Jan 2024. 

The Campaign Carousel was a perfect fit for me, because it built on my existing knowledge, filled in some important gaps and introduced tools and ideas that I hadn’t encountered before. “

Grace Barnett, Membership & Data Officer, Unlock Democracy

Thank you, I found the Deep Dive so useful.  I have learnt lots of helpful practical tips and will take forward my thinking at a much more granular level, about who we should target and when. “

Kate Nightingale, Director of Communications, Campaigns & Research, Young Women’s Trust 

We are happy to recommend SMK’s commissioned training. The experience from start to finish was outstanding. Our contact was very responsive and enthusiastic about the work we were doing with our Policy Advocates and keen to understand our brief well. Our lived experience partners are now better prepared to enter political arenas and utilise their new-found knowledge as Policy Advocates. Thank you.”

Beatrice Orchard
Senior Policy and Public Affairs Manager, Trussell Trust


Great to see @SMKcampaigners and @CivilExchange defending our democratic space. It’s such an important issue. We know that every significant step forward for women’s rights over the last 200 years has been achieved by women and girls organising and mobilising. ” 

Rosa Fund for Women (on Defending Our Democratic Space report) 

My team found your session really stimulating and only wished they’d had more time to spend with you on the subject of social change + campaigning. “

Angela McConville, Chief Executive, National Childbirth Trust 

It was great to meet a new supportive group of people in similar roles in the sector.  I learnt a lot from them and their insights.  Facilitation was excellent and really helped foster trust in each other. “

Action Learning Set for senior leaders in campaigning organisations participant 

“SMK are a friendly team that provided a considerate programme adapted to our needs. The feedback from our Paralympians has been fantastic, with most requesting further training. This was our first step into the advocacy sector and SMK were great collaborators. We hope to work with them again and develop our relationship on our advocacy journey.” 

Nicci Bailey
Athlete Community & Social Impact Manager, ParalympicsGB


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