
Protecting your right, and the space, to campaign

It’s important that you have the freedom and confidence to make change. SMK protects and champions both. 

Campaigning and political advocacy are crucial features of a healthy democracy. That’s why SMK works to protect your space to campaign – calling on politicians to uphold your right to speak out, clearing away unreasonable barriers. 

We listen to campaigners’ experiences and respond with advice to help you navigate political and regulatory complexity – allowing you to hold that space with confidence. 

As a champion for civil society’s role in reform – one that can achieve transformational, long-term, and sometimes radical change – we bring together charities, pressure groups, faith organisations, trade unions, and more. Together, we can advocate for the value and legitimacy of campaigning and speaking out in a healthy democracy. 

Many people sitting in a theatre style conference watching the front.
Charity Reform Group

Bringing together mutually supporting charity leaders, committed to using their voice and influence to further the reforming role of civil society.

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Many people sitting in a theatre style conference watching the front.
Campaigner Survey
Our Annual Campaigner Survey asks campaigners what’s going on in their world.

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Many people sitting in a theatre style conference watching the front.
Space to campaign
Our research reveals the reality of campaigning in the UK today, and we collaborate with others to tackle threats to civic space.

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Depending our democratic space: a call to action 

Research by SMK and Civil Exchange identified numerous threats, over more than a decade, to the vital elements of our democracy – those that enable people to have a voice, amplify that voice to decision-makers, and help hold politicians to account.

We spoke to charities, organisations, grassroots campaigners, and people beyond civil society. We heard concerns about specific threats to democratic space. Yet, the bigger picture emerged as the greatest concern – we heard the overall problem is serious and growing, but is largely going unnoticed.

Depending our democratic space: a call to action

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