by | Jul 6, 2022

Guardians of the arches

Guardian of the arches initial plan for the funds was to hold a ‘launch event’ securing an audience with the Mayor of London and their Landlords. However, due to the Covid pandemic they had to adapt to the new challenges faced by all. After reviewing their goals and objectives, they changed the focus to rental transparency and access to professional advice and education.

With their new plan, focusing on virtual community organising and knowledge sharing, they managed to secure a consultative position for the London Tenant & Landlords Charter with City Hall, in which they aimed to incorporate the London Working Rent Policy; they secured a consultative position in evidence to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government in respect of the legislative review of the Landlord and Tenants Act 1954; they were invited to provide evidence to the MHCLG for Covid 19 Impact review; and they produced a comprehensive Commercial Rents Policy Report –published in May 2021 (aligned with Mayoral Election).

With their online platforms and virtual capabilities, they have been able to secure their members over £60m in rental credits, professional advice and business support – this support has been delivered to over 1400 Arch Company Tenants and 1200 Transport for London and London Underground Tenants. And they have saved over 5000 small businesses from inevitable financial ruin by working collectively and being able to diversify virtually.

Awarded year: 2020

Amount: £3000

Emma Boyd

Emma Boyd is the Head of Marketing and Communications at SMK



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