Associates and Partners

Supporting the next generation of campaigners


SMK is supported by an extensive network of Associates – themselves some of the UK’s leading campaigners, organisers and commentators. Our Associates support the delivery of our training, coaching and consultancy according to their specific skills and experience.

As a community, SMK staff and Associates are deeply committed to ensuring our support is of the highest quality. We evaluate all of our delivery ourselves and also commission a bi-annual external evaluation. Associates and staff also come together to share learning and experience and work together to continually improve our practise.

SMK is recruiting new Associates

SMK works with a network of Associates to help deliver it’s training and consultancy services – an amazing team of campaigning experts, with specialisms ranging from digital campaigning to using the law for social change. Our Associates are accountable to SMK to work with our frameworks and content, delivering approved content to an agreed budget.

Due to the high demand for our services, SMK is seeking to expand its Associates network. We are looking for people with strong professional experience in training or strategic campaigning, as well as those with relevant technical expertise. We’re also looking for people who have good knowledge and understanding of working around power and lived experience, specifically within a campaign setting.

Please send a CV and covering letter identifying your relevant skills and experience to by 14 December.

Associates & Partners 

Abdi Mohamed

Abdi has over a decade of campaigns and political strategy experience at a local, regional and national level in the UK. He currently working in Westminster on the frontline of UK national politics, with previous experience working for charities, local government, trade unions, and grassroots groups. @AbdiAMoh

Jo Ram

Jo has over a decade of involvement in social movements, a PhD in Sustainability and Climate Action, and has led campaigns and movement-building projects on energy poverty, energy transition, climate justice, and migrant solidarity issues. Her work is grounded in intersectional analyses and anti-oppression practices.

Ayaz Manji

Ayaz is a campaigner and policy professional who has spent nearly ten years working in social change roles, including for Mind, Stonewall, and the UK Parliament Women and Equalities Select Committee. He now works as a consultant and trainer, helping organisations to share power, plan campaigns, and open up their approach to influencing work. @ayaz_manji

Marcia Walker

Marcia is a campaign strategist with 20 years of experience working with diverse communities. She has worked with UK and international charities including Save the Children, Plan UK, Mencap, RNLI & Amnesty International. Marcia leads SMK’s youth training offer working to build young activists’ understanding of and confidence in creating lasting change.  @marciawalks 

Jo Gibbons

Jo has over 25 years’ experience in communications and influencing and has worked in government, the private sector and the voluntary sector. She has a strong track record of building networks and influencing stakeholders and has expertise in public affairs, political risk mitigation and leading teams through change. She is currently on the Board of Compassion in Dying and is a local Home-Start volunteer. @JoGibbo01 

Will Brett

Experience in political communications and campaigns, specialising in grassroots-led national policy campaigns. He previously worked as Director of Communications at the New Economics Foundation where he ran the Save Our Arches campaign. Will was also a local councillor in Hackney between 2014-2018. @williamdbrett

Natasha Adams

A recognised thought leader in understanding how social movements make change happen. I specialise in movement research, campaign strategy, developing and managing activist networks, deep organising and training. @tashahester

Shauneen Lambe

Shauneen is a barrister and attorney who is dedicated to using the law as a tool for social justice and her strategic litigation work has regularly changed the law. As the co-founder and CEO of Just for Kids Law, she developed the holistic model of representation for children.  Shauneen delivers SMK’s ‘Using the legal system to achieve change’ training.  @ShauneenLambe

Stephanie Wong – Act Build Change

Stephanie is the founder and CEO of Act Build Change: a training school for the next generation of community organisers. She has supported folks to win elections, secure housing for refugee resettlement, increase school funding and won four living wage campaigns. She taught community organising for the MSc Social Development Practice at University College London. @StephWong_

Jess Day – More Onion

Jess supports More Onion’s UK clients to meet their campaigning and fundraising goals, having previously worked at Oxfam, Christian Aid and Which?. She’s an experienced trainer and facilitator, having facilitated the ECF Oxford event and supported Wine and Wotsits. Jess is also one of the small volunteer team behind parent-led campaign Let Toys Be Toys. @day_jess

Matthew Davis – M2

Matthew worked at a leading HIV/AIDS charity as Head of Communications, as Campaign Director at BUAV, and at WWF where he held various senior positions: Head of Press & Campaigns; Director of the Marine and Climate Change campaigns; and Communications Director/Deputy Director for WWF’s Global Species Programme. 

Gemma Houldey – Bird

A coaching and training organisation working with not-for-profit and public sector, UK and internationally. They support clients to feel their best to thrive in their work and continue to support others in a sustainable way. They’re experts with a range of experience in coaching, facilitation, resilience, self-compassion, emotional awareness, and burnout.

Miranda Lewis – M2

Miranda was Associate Director and Head of Qualitative Research at the IPPR think tank. Miranda specialised in qualitative research into public attitudes, communicating challenging policy issues, and behaviour change. She ran an extensive research programme looking at public attitudes to asylum seekers. Before that, Miranda worked on HIV/AIDS campaigns in the advocacy team at VSO.

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SMK is always looking for experienced people who can facilitate training, speak at events or join our Associate pool.

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